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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'White Man's Burden' gave the following results:

2 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
16 matches in composers
  1. White Sea
  2. Jim White
  3. White R./Ali Khan N.F.
  4. Michael White
  5. Brian Lee White
  6. Philip White
  7. Felix White
  8. Roger White
  9. Lennie White
  10. Daniel White
  11. Barry White
  12. Jack White
  13. Tony Joe White
  14. Daniel Joseph White
  15. John Clifford White
  16. Billy White Acre

2303 matches in tracks
  1. Pat's Burden (01:02)
    from Patsy, The
  2. The Burden (02:15)
    from Punisher: War Zone
  3. Burden For You (01:45)
    from After We Fell
  4. A Burden (03:02)
    from Insulte, L'
  5. The Burden (00:00)
    from Ascendancy
  6. Cor's Burden (01:29)
    from Kidnapping Mr. Heineken
  7. Bearing the Burden (08:11)
    from Munich
  8. Lighten the Burden of Another (00:43)
    from Man Who Invented Christmas, The
  9. A Heavy Burden (02:51)
    from Citizen X
  10. Burden of Truth (02:05)
    from Snowden
  11. Heavy Burden (02:39)
    from Män Som Hatar Kvinnor
  12. A Knight's Burden (03:41)
    from Order: 1886, The
  13. A Burden Shared (01:03)
    from O Le Tulafale
  14. Welcome Burden (00:00)
    from Extreme Championship Wrestling
  15. Julia’s Burden (04:05)
    from Vivir Dos Veces
  16. Burden of Atlas (00:00)
    from Trailerhead: Triumph
  17. A Heavy Burden (02:51)
    from Citizen X
  18. The Heavy Burden (04:00)
    from Commandos Strike Force
  19. God and Guilty Burden (09:17)
    from Scarlet Letter, The
  20. The Burden of A Blessing (02:15)
    from Dawning Promises
Show all 2303 matching tracks